The Creative Hubs
- 11-Aug-2024

The Art and Literary competitions was held on 8th and 9th of August 2024. The students from L.K.G to Std- X showcasing their talents in poetry, essays , speeches, fancy dress, drawings, posters, models etc.. Students were given with themes for all activities.. The competitions saw an impressive display of creativity of our students. A massive congratulations to all our talented students who participated in the competitions! " Your creativity and skill blew us away".

Christmas Day Celebration - 2024
- 25-Dec-2024
Our school celebrated Christmas with great enthusi...
Celebrating the spirit of Childhood!
- 14-Nov-2024
Our Nichs family shone bright on Children's Da...
Nicholson Syrian Central School Parliament 2024 -25
- 18-Jul-2024
"Student Parliament, a platform for growth"...
The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 26-Jun-2024
The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illic...